VIDEO. The anger of a caregiver during a demonstration



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“By closing more beds, by eliminating as many jobs, we will be forced to select the sick.” Tuesday, June 7, caregivers demonstrated for better working conditions at the public hospital. Brut interviewed Nathalie Marchand, hospital executive.

This Tuesday, June 7, caregivers gathered in protests to show their anger about the working conditions of public hospital employees.

“Today, in the hospital, each person works between 12 and 14 hours. It’s no meal, no break. This is today’s hospital”explains Nathalie Marchand, hospital manager.

“The anger is all the more growing as following the Covid period, where we suffered the closure of 17,000 beds, there is continuity. Beds and services continue to be closed, particularly emergencies and maternity”.

According to her, in the emergency room, it is not uncommon for some patients “stay on stretchers for 10 or 12 hours”.

“Caregivers know very well that we are putting the population in danger. From the ethical point of view of our profession, this is inadmissible”

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