VIDEO. “Sperm terrorism”, a phenomenon denounced by more and more victims



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Ejaculating on non-consenting women, defiling their belongings or making them ingest sperm without their knowing it … More and more of them are denouncing this phenomenon. But in France, this practice faces a legal vacuum.

Ejaculating on non-consenting women, defiling their belongings, or even making them ingest sperm without their knowing it … On social networks, more and more of them are denouncing this phenomenon. “There is a lady who taps me on the shoulder and who says to me:” Excuse me but I believe that one ejaculated on you. “Who does that, what? It exists, it is possible”, castigates Ashley. “I felt disgusted, dirty, humiliated too“, she adds.

This practice is not new. In some countries like South Korea, feminist associations call it “semen terrorism” or “sperm terrorism” and fight to have it qualified as a sex crime. In France, the legal framework is not clear. Chloé Rezlan, lawyer at the Paris bar, explains that there is no specific legal qualification. “We have no conviction to date for precisely sperm jets. On the other hand, the most frequent case, it is rubbers which, in this precise case, will end with a jet of sperm by ejaculating on their victim.“Says the lawyer. According to her, we can then speak here of a fact of sexual assault.”That is to say that there is a sexual attack which is committed by surprise on a non-consenting victim and which obviously causes him harm“, explains Chloé Rezlan.

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