VIDEO. Six tips for properly training your dog

Being clean

Cleanliness is a natural ability in dogs. “Generally, if you get involved well, in 2-3 weeks you can start having a clean puppy, it can last up to 2-3 months without too much worry.“Explains Alexis. The dog trainer advises taking your dog out about every 30 minutes for a puppy of 2 to 3 months. Also, you have to think about rewarding the dog when he relieves himself outside. “On the other hand, at home, when the dog is doing its business, we will rather try to interrupt it if we catch it in the act and immediately put it outside so that it can do its business there.“, adds Alexis.

Don’t be stupid

If the puppy makes a mistake, it is necessary to mark the prohibition and to privilege its setting aside for one or two minutes. “We don’t get angry, we don’t start shouting, we don’t get angry, it’s useless, you will only increase the tension and nervousness in the situation“, explains Alexis. After one or two minutes, you will immediately reopen to your dog. If he starts again, he will have to be isolated again.

to obey

Alexis stresses the importance of rewarding good behavior. “For this, you have four rewards available: the voice, the caress, but also the game and the treat.“, develops the educator. When the dog has understood the principle of the exercise, it is necessary to try to work without reward in the hand.

VSunderstand your environment

From its three weeks to its four months, the puppy is in a sensitive period, which is called a period of primary socialization. This is the period when he must be confronted with as many situations as possible so that, in adulthood, it is something perfectly innocuous with which he is perfectly familiar. “For example, to go for car journeys, to take the metro, or even to go up in an elevator, or in an escalator, or to go to a restaurant“, says Alexis.

Also, it is essential to confront your dog with different types of people: children, men, women, elderly people, people with large builds so that your dog is perfectly familiar with humans.

Go out on a leash

There too, it is a question of confronting the puppy with environments which will be progressively more and more rich. “As soon as your dog follows you, we can congratulate him and as soon as your dog puts himself in traction, we stop, we mark the stop, even we take a few steps back and we start again only when the leash is relaxed.“, advises Alexis.

Take off the leash

With a puppy, it is necessary to quickly be able to have freedom outdoors“, believes the canine educator. He recommends taking a leash long enough, about ten meters. Finally, Alexis advises to first let go of your puppy so that he can discover his environment. It is then thanks to this ease in his environment that he will no longer be interested in joggers, cyclists or other dogs.

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