video shows Wagner official recruiting prisoners to fight alongside Russians

In the middle of a prison yard, Evguéni Prigojine speaks to several dozen detainees in uniform. “I am the representative of a private military company, the Wagner group”, he said. And he lays out some rules. “The first sin is desertion. No one can be taken prisoner. No one backs down, no one surrenders. When you are trained, you will be told how to behave. You will be told about two grenades that you should have with you if you get caught.” Minimum age to be recruited 22 years. Maximum age 50 years. “But if you are strong, we will do a test. Good physical condition is essential.”

Wagner’s recruitment methods in Russian prisons were already known, but this is the first time that a video has directly shown a leader of the paramilitary group at work. This video, shot in a penal colony 800 km from Moscow, was published on the Telegram network on Wednesday September 14 by relatives of the opponent Alexeï Navalny and was relayed among others by the independent media The Insider.

In the image, Evguéni Prigojine continues. “No alcohol, no drugs. No looting, including sexual contact with local women…nor with flora, fauna, men or anything.” Prigozhin then explains that 40 former detainees of SSaint-Petersburg have already fought alongside him in the Donetsk region last June. “They entered the enemy trenches, and massacred them with knives. Three were killed, seven wounded. One of them was 52 years old, he died a hero.”

Prigozhin warns: “We pay particular attention to people convicted of drug trafficking, especially if they have an addiction. If in doubt, you will be subjected to a lie detector to determine if you are stable. We are also very careful about those who are serving a sentence for sexual abuse. But we know we can make mistakes.”

Duration of the missions: six months, after which the former prisoners return home and are pardoned. “For the others, those who once in Ukraine say they were wrong, they are recognized as deserters. In this case, you are sent to the firing squad.” The prisoners have five minutes to decide. “There are only two other people who can get you out of this penal colony, concludes the head of the Wagner group: Allah and God. With them it will be in a wooden box, I will get you out of here alive. But you won’t necessarily stay.”

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