VIDEO. She advocates for more women in metal


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Bassist in the French metal band “Pogo Car Crash Control”, Lola campaigns for more women in extreme music. Brut interviewed the young musician during the HellFest.

“Me, I know that when I go on stage, I really want to have fun above all. But also to inspire, you see, this new generation, these young girls who come to festivals, to become musicians. “

Lola is bassist for the band Pogo Car Crash Control. Currently at Hellfest, she campaigns for a better representation of women in extreme music.

“It happens that I arrive at a festival and they say to me: “Ah, great, you are the singer!”, “Ah, you are the drummer’s girl!” I’m like, “Well no, what the fuck are these shitty clichés, what.”

To convey her message, the young woman wears the slogan “more women on stage”. In concerts or festivals, she explains that she has often been confronted with the low representation of women in her milieu.

“It’s starting to become a little bit obvious that there is a big lack. We have to fight for more representation and more women in the jobs of musicians and technicians.”

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