VIDEO. Sandra Vizzavona collects the words of women who have experienced abortion



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Sandra Vizzavona is a lawyer, and she is the author of “Interruption: Abortion by those who have experienced it”. She writes the testimonies and feelings of women who have already had an abortion. Brut met her.

Abortion is experienced differently depending on the personal history of each woman.” This is the observation on which arrived Sandra Vizzavona, lawyer. The young woman has already resorted to abortion twice in her life. And each experience was lived differently for her. “I had experienced two abortions, if the first had indeed marked me deeply, the second had been completely harmless. So I knew that if I, one and the same person, could experience it in two different ways, then all women experienced it in their own way.

The lawyer also denounces the medical violence of which women can be victims. “My second abortion I had dealt with a midwife who was absolutely obnoxious to me and I really thought I was an isolated case. I realized that this obnoxious woman, she was not alone at all. And as I was confronted with testimonies in which I realized that women were still abused by the medical profession, that there was still this great weight of silence, I was more and more angry about the situation.

I was shocked by the number of doctors who listen to the heart of the embryo when it is absolutely not necessary, by the ultrasound machine which asks the young girl to look at the screen, by the doctors who will insist, saying, ‘Oh dear, this embryo is perfectly healthy, are you sure you don’t want to keep it?’”, she adds.

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