VIDEO. Punch action for the climate at Roland-Garros: Alizée explains her gesture


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“The 1028 days correspond to the 3 years we have left to successfully reverse the balance”. Brut met Alizée, the environmental activist who tied herself to the net in the middle of the Roland-Garros semi-final to warn of the climate emergency.

“I jumped, I arrived on the ground. I got attached, I had time to position myself so that it lasts as long as possible”. Alizée looks back on the punch action she carried out in the middle of Roland-Garros for the climate.

She was wearing a t-shirt with 1028 days written on it: “The 1028 days corresponds to the 3 years we have left to successfully reverse the balance and preserve our climate” explains the young woman.

Raising awareness about the emergency is Alizée’s mission: “It’s the idea of ​​saying to yourself that today all eyes are on Roland Garros and it’s the idea of ​​saying to yourself: look away and look at reality opposite where is we are being brought”.

Alizée carried out her action for Dernier Rénovation, which wishes to change French legislation concerning thermal renovation as a priority. His hope: a government response and collective awareness “behind screens and newspapers” of the urgency of the situation.

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