VIDEO. Public service employees seek to “wake up” the Court of Auditors




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Work coats, kitchen utensils in hand… These caregivers, lawyers and magistrates demonstrated on June 10 before the Court of Auditors in Paris to demand more resources in public services. Brut followed them.

“We must change the way of seeing public service”. On June 10, caregivers, lawyers and magistrates gathered in front of the Court of Auditors to demand more resources in public services.

“The idea is to wake them up and make them aware that their reports have consequences for the lives of citizens. It’s not the hospital alone, it’s also justice, education, probably the police too”explains François Salachas, neurologist at Pitié-Salpêtrière.

Finally, there is a real problem of underfunding of public services. It’s like a building that is not maintained. At first, it’s just the facelift, and then afterwards, the whole structure collapses.

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