VIDEO. Provence, 20, talks about his addiction to cannabis


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“I think the worst moment of my addiction was three months ago when I quit.” For several days, influencers have been talking about their addiction to cannabis on social networks. Brut met Provence, 20, a former consumer.

Provence is 20 years old and a former cannabis user. On Tik-Tok, she answers her subscribers’ questions about this addiction and warns of the dangers.

“It changed everything for me, actually. I realized that I found myself much less joyful and funny than before, for example. I realized that I was soft, I was too lazy about everything.

Consuming cannabis has changed many things in daily life in Provence.

“I went to bed at 6-7am, I got up, it was 6-7pm. Suddenly, my day was over, it was no longer the hours adapted to the networks. It’s still my job, so for months, I didn’t earn any more money.

“I was getting paranoid, I was having fits when I ran out of things to smoke, I was going crazy. I was crying, I could cry all of a sudden, be happy, afterwards, be angry again”says the young woman.

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