Video People over 65 who have been vaccinated for six months have “five weeks” to make their reminder or “their health pass will be deactivated”, warns Gabriel Attal

“Thanks to the vaccination we have built a wall against the serious forms of the virus, this wall must not crack”, underlined Gabriel Attal, spokesman of the government, Wednesday, November 10 on franceinfo, the day after the announcements of Emmanuel Macron. “People must remain protected against serious forms, hence the need for a vaccination booster”, he added while the president on Tuesday conditioned the validity of the health pass to the achievement of a booster dose for people over 65 years of age.

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“What they say is that from December 15, for those who will be over 65 and who will have had their complete vaccination schedule for six months and five weeks, their health pass will be deactivated if they do not not their booster dose “, said Gabriel Attal. In other words, “if you are over 65 and took your second dose six months ago, you have five weeks to do your booster”.

Gabriel Attal recalled that since the start of the booster campaign targeting those over 65, i.e. since the end of the summer, almost 70% of them have achieved their booster dose. “They have to keep doing it“, he continued, assuming to pass “to more incentive” by making this new dose conditional on the validity of the health pass. According to the government spokesperson, there will be “alerts” to remind the public concerned of the importance of making this vaccination booster, in particular via health insurance.

For Gabriel Attal, it would be “logical that at a given time this is the case for other audiences for which the vaccine booster is open”, namely 50-64 year olds and nursing staff, “but that has not been decided at this stage”. “The caregivers are part of the public to whom the reminder is addressed, they can do it, it is important that they do it because they are exposed and we encourage them to do it”, said the government spokesperson.

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