VIDEO. On social networks, he confides frankly about his anxiety attacks



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Brut met the youtubeur Noholito at his home in the countryside. On this occasion, he confided in his anxiety attacks which he chose to talk about on social networks. Without detour.

There is nothing shocking about going to see a shrink !”

He is James, alias Noholito on the networks. After having tried several times, in vain, the entrance exam to the school of lawyers, the 28-year-old youtubeur chose a completely different path: social networks. Among all the subjects covered in his videos, there is one that is particularly close to his heart: his anxiety attacks. For more than 15 years, James has been doing it regularly. “They don’t go away because for me, anxiety attacks never go away, but I think we can try to tame them, to understand them“, he believes.

Today, Noholito talks openly about his anxiety attacks on social media. “I saw that we weren’t alone, there were lots of people who were having anxiety attacks“, he explains. The youtubeur then chose to play the card of transparency and to speak without filter of this facet of his life. “There’s nothing shocking about going to see a shrink, there’s never been a moment where I said to myself I’m ashamed, I’m not going to talk about it“, he confides.

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