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We remember the controversy surrounding the “sand yacht”, when PSG players were asked to think about the planet and to fly a little less… It was with professional footballers that the scandal private jets got carried away. Without the clubs changing their habits, as shown by this extract from “Complementary investigation”.
Since a catastrophic summer of 2022 in terms of the climate, the ultimate image of success has taken a turn for the worse: flying in a private jet pollutes… and it no longer works. In France, the case became political because of a bad joke of footballers: “We are seeing if we cannot move in a sand yacht”, launched Christophe Galtier, the PSG coach, in the midst of a controversy over the club’s movements.
Like PSG, OL prefer the jet. Like this morning in November, when the team, who had come to face OM, landed at Marignane airport after a flight of around thirty minutes. Five hours later, a second jet lands, also from Lyon. On board, the president of the club. The same Jean-Michel Aulas had however promised, at the start of the season, to limit his air travel. Especially since with the TGV, the Lyon-Marseille journey (255 kilometers) is done in one hour and forty minutes…
That day, OL did not take a private jet… but two
Two planes in the day, for someone who was committed to “take the train or the bus”, isn’t that a lot? “No not at all”, responds the person concerned to “Further investigation”. For security reasons, but also schedules that did not stick, it was impossible according to him to put his team on a train for Marseille.
The footballers could also have taken the bus. That of their club made the round trip Lyon-Marseille empty. He was there only to escort the players between their hotel and the stadium, for two short kilometers, just to parade in front of the cameras… Even the supporters say they are shocked by these abuses.
Olympique Lyonnais is not an isolated case. Despite the controversy, no club has changed its habits. “Complément d’Enquête” also studied the movements of Ligue 1 this season. Like last year, nearly 80% of trips were made by private jet…
Excerpt from “Private and ultra-rich jets: it’s soaring for them!”, a document to see in “Additional investigation” on March 9, 2023.
Extract of