Video “March against expensive living”: Philippe Martinez reminds Jean-Luc Mélenchon that “social mobilizations are the responsibility of the unions”

“Social mobilizations are the responsibility of trade unions” recalled, Monday, July 11 on franceinfo, Philippe Martinez. The secretary general of the CGT, sent this message to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of La France insoumise who wishes to organize at the start of the school year “a great march against the high cost of living”. A social initiative that could “to give the ‘the’ of the start of the school year in a way”said the rebellious leader.

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But Philippe Martinez does not intend that we walk on his toes of social protest: “Social mobilizations, it seems to me, are the responsibility of trade unions. It’s been like that for a very long time and political formations have been supporting social mobilizations, there is a need for it, but we must not mix genres“, he warned.

The leader of the CGT makes an appointment for the start of the school year, calling for an interprofessional day of strike on September 29, while a new inter-union meeting takes place on Monday. “It is possible that other organizations, in one form or another, will join this idea of ​​the need to mobilize”he said.

A first inter-union meeting took place before the speech of the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne. “We waited for the general policy speech just in case”but “the fact that she announces, faithful to what the President of the Republic says, that we have to work longer, I hope that will annoy more than one”, said Philippe Martinez. This seems to be the case, since the secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, warned, Thursday, July 7, the government on a risk of “social chaos” if the government announced at the start of the school year the postponement of the legal retirement age. “If Laurent Berger says so, I welcome it”amused the boss of the CGT.

The only way to improve the purchasing power of the French, “It’s to raise wages”, estimated, on franceinfo, Philippe Martinez. We also need to review “everything concerning taxes around energy”.

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