VIDEO. Lucie disembarked from a plane because of her disability




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“Turkish Airlines refused to take me on board their plane, because of too large a disability”. On May 2, 2022, as Lucie was about to take a flight to Turkey, the young woman in a wheelchair found herself facing seats unsuitable for her disability.

“I booked special seats, special assistance to be escorted to the plane and paid extra for more legroom”.

However when she arrives on the plane, Lucie discovers seats in which she will not be able to sit and tries to explain her problem to the members of the crew.

“She doesn’t want to cooperate”staff reportedly said of the young woman. “Throw it at the bottom of the plane”.

“They preferred to be an hour late than put me in a seat that suits me. What happened, with so much aggression and discrimination, I have never experienced this before”confides Lucia.

“No it’s not up to me, you get off”. If seats were available in business class, the members of the team explained to her that they could not place her in these seats without the agreement of a superior.

“You know, Turkish Airlines will not give you a euro to reimburse you for anything”. So far, Lucie has not received any compensation from the company.

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