Video Leaked bicycle under the eye of surveillance cameras, DNA left at the scene… “Sensitive cases” recounts the chain blunders of Kim Kardashian’s robbers

In October 2016, thieves did the trick of the century: hold up, in the mansion where she lived during her stay in Paris, the influencer with 330 million subscribers on Instagram and powerful muse of fashion, the star of American reality TV show Kim Kardashian. Who are the robbers, who stole her jewelry for a booty of 9 million euros? Geniuses… or nickel-plated feet?

Quickly identified, the suspects are mostly well-known pensioners from the police… However, the perpetrators of the robbery will multiply the blunders, during and after the home jacking. A chain of blunders recounted in this extract from “Sensitive Affairs”. The magazine presented by Fabrice Drouelle returns to France 2 on November 15, 2022, revealing the underside of a spectacular and improbable heist.

One of the main suspects says

The presumed mastermind of the case is, according to the police, a certain Aomar Aït-Khedache, known as “Omar the Old”. He has already been sentenced for having taken part in the kidnapping of a personality. The police suspect him of having picked up the loot with Didier Dubreucq (previously involved in a gigantic cocaine traffic). They would then have found three other suspects in the street. It is one of them, Yunice Abbas (already condemned for drug trafficking), who himself tells the rest. He even wrote a book on this case with the explicit title — I kidnapped Kim Kardashian (Editions de L’Archipel) — but did not want to be filmed… Reached on the telephone, it is recorded without his knowledge.

He affirms that two accomplices would have entrusted him in the street with a backpack full “which did not close”, before “cut the road” without taking care of him anymore… on a bicycle. “This is the first known robbery that was done on a bicycle! They did it on a bicycle!” chokes François Vignolle, a journalist who worked on the case (and co-wrote Kardashian Jewelry, ed. Glenat). Not to mention that everyone seems to have forgotten the basics of the job: beware of surveillance cameras…

Surveillance cameras do not lose a crumb of their epic

Ideally placed at the corner of the street, one of these cameras would have recorded the passage of the two alleged robbers, who move away around 3 am on their bicycles. Yunice Abbas says he was stationed in the street, and also left on a bicycle. He would have shackled in a strap of the backpack and would have fallen, spilling its contents on the road (he said he realized at that time that it was jewelry). In his rush to pick it all up, he forgot a necklace with a diamond cross, worth 30,000 euros… and which was reported to the police the next day by a passerby.

“A bad bad B-movie script”

With this unfortunate fall, the robbery of the century has definitely taken the turn of a “bad screenplay from bad series B“, as Marion Galy-Ramounot, deputy editor-in-chief of Madame Figaro. And it’s not over… Still thanks to the surveillance cameras, the police see Yunice Abbas leaving on foot. He would then have found his car, and realized that he had taken Kim Kardashian’s personal phone with him (it was in the backpack) which he would have thrown into a canal north of Paris around 4 a.m. Like a snitch, the device will tell the police part of the way he took to get home…

But the biggest gaffe was allegedly made during the “salami” of Kim Kardashian. Despite his gloves, one of the robbers left traces of DNA on the adhesive! Four days later, the police will formally identify him: it would be Aomar Aït Khedache.

Extract from “Kim Kardashian and the robber gang”, a document to see on November 15 in “Sensitive Affairs”, a co-production France Télévisions, France TV press, France Inter and INA, adapted from a France Inter program.

Before its broadcast on France 2 at 11:10 p.m., the survey is available on the platform from Tuesday November 15 at 6 a.m.

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.

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