VIDEO. Jessica Thivenin recounts the horror of her pregnancies


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“I had a lot of trouble having my children”. Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia are one of the most famous couples in reality TV. After two difficult pregnancies and a lot of hatred received on the networks, the young mother testifies for Brut.

After being bedridden for most of her pregnancies, Jessica Thivenin looks back on the birth and the complicated first months of her two children.

Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia are both iconic reality TV candidates. Together they gave birth to Maylone and Leewane, a baby boy and a baby girl.

When Maylone was born, Jessica discovered that he had esophageal atresia. “His pipe through which he has to eat was not formed. He could not feed himself”.

One day, when she goes to a restaurant with friends, the meal turns into a nightmare. “I realize that it is starting to change color, to become gray-blue. When I pat him on the back, I see a little blood coming out of his mouth…”

After several major scares, Maylone’s health eventually improves. Jessica gives birth to her second child shortly after.

“At about five months old, my daughter broke my water at night. There was blood everywhere. When I give birth at 34 weeks, my daughter is premature.”

Today, the reality TV couple share their story on social networks. “All the testimonials that people gave me, it helped me to have stronger shoulders and to overcome all that”, confides the young woman.

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