Video “It’s like hooks for fishing, the tip goes into the skin, but does not come out”: these aggressive barbed wire that equip more and more borders

In the early 2000s, their installation on the border between Spain and Morocco sparked outrage. These barbed wire equipped with razor blades are called “concertinas” (which means “accordion”). If migrants try to cross them, they can cause serious injuries to the hands, neck, legs… consequences of his injuries.The European States nevertheless continue to place orders, and the owner of the family business which manufactures them can rub his hands: his business is doing very well.

“Complementary investigation” sought to meet the boss of the factory, which covers 35,000 square meters in the middle of citrus fields and employs 70 people. Interview requests having been refused, the journalists asked for a commercial appointment. The visit was filmed with a hidden camera.

Best-seller: the “concertina” n°22 and its 22 mm blade

Catalog in support, the boss praises his range of products more or less “aggressive“according to demand, highlighting “this one, [qui] is like a harpoon. It’s like hooks for fishing: the tip goes into the skin, but does not come out. If someone clings to it, you have to call a firefighter to come and cut a piece of the barbed wire, and get the person out.” The factory even offers colored barbed wire, for decorative purposes…

Its best-seller: the “concertina” n°22, equipped with a steel blade 22 millimeters long, and sold on average 10 euros per meter. It also equips penitentiary centers and nuclear power plants but, specifies the boss, “It’s less interesting than selling to the States, for the borders”.

Take them off or put them back on, barbed wire pays off…

Very profitable, its activity has a bright future ahead of it: after Hungary, Poland has just placed an order for its 186-kilometre wall, on the border with Belarus. Estimated amount of the contract: nearly 2 million euros. One of its most interesting former clients is Spain. In Ceuta, border town of Morocco, “when the socialists and communists come to power, the barbed wire is removed from the wall. And when the right comes, we put them back. I took them off and put them back on four times! And each time, I pocket 3 million euros.

Excerpt from “Borders: billions, failures and barbed wire”, a document to see in “Complément d’Enquête” on May 12, 1022.

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