VIDEO. Is it possible to disappear from Google?



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Do you want to delete information about you online? It is possible, but through certain means. Brut put the question to Étienne Deshoulières, lawyer.

You had an event in your past personal life, it could be a court conviction, it could be a search warrant; you are googled and you come across information that is not necessarily to your advantage, well, in this case, you can request that this information be deleted.” Étienne Deshoulières is a lawyer specializing in intellectual property and new technologies. For him, obtaining the delisting of his information on Google is possible. In other words: you can remove access to certain personal information, visible on the search engine. How is it possible ?

The real legal reason to assert is the right to be forgotten, i.e. the fact that the right to your personal data takes precedence, after a certain time, over the right to information of the public.”, explains the lawyer. On the other hand, in certain cases, the request is not possible. “Imagine that you are running for a municipal election and that a newspaper mentions your name as a candidate for the municipal election; in this case, it is an immediate objective of general interest of information of the public, you will not be able to ask the newspaper to remove your name and your first name.

But disappearing from Google has a price. “You can apply directly to the platforms, so that’s free. If you can’t, see a lawyer. And in this case, we, in my law firm, a request to delete personal data is 300 €”, explains Étienne Deshoulières.

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