VIDEO. In Tunisia, it opens centers for stray animals



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Nowel Lakech has opened two shelters in Nabeul and Hammamet, Tunisia, for stray animals. Every day, she provides them with care and food. Brut went to meet him.

For 350 municipalities, why do we only have five animal centers ? “

In its reception center, Kwismas houses a dozen dogs and more than 50 cats. “The municipalities tell us that there are too many dogs in the street but we have to get back to the root of the problem“, she believes. Kwismas deplores in particular that too many owners leave their dogs abandoned in the streets. They reproduce and the situation becomes”unmanageable“.

These reception centers vaccinate, sterilize and stink the animals before returning the animals to where they found them. In Tunisia, there is no law requiring an animal to be identified at the time of its purchase or adoption.


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