VIDEO. In the Canaries, the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano gives way to a lunar landscape



Article written by

M. Burgot, S. Guillemot, P. Dennis, K. Annette – France 2

France Televisions

For more than three months, this eruption considerably modified the landscape and marked the inhabitants for life.

On the island of Las Palmas, in the Canary Islands archipelago (Spain), the landscape is now lunar and almost unreal. On September 19, the Cumbre Vieja volcano erupted and generated three months ofincandescence and 90 days of tragedy. Lhe lava flows engulfed 1,345 homes and evacuated more than 7,000 people. A team from France 2 was allowed to approach the lava flow. From three to thirty meters in height, the lava formed a black wall. “Deep in the flow, you still have temperatures of 400 degrees, ideal condition for the emanation of toxic gases to continue”, alert Stavros Meletlidi, vulcanologist at the National Geographic Institute interviewed by France 2.

In recent days, the volcano has entered a phase of lethargy and scientists there are cautiously optimistic that the eruption is likely to end. “To be able to say that the eruption is definitively over, these parameters must [d’inactivité] remain at similar levels for at least ten days “, insists to AFP María José Blanco, director in the Canaries of the National Geographic Institute.

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