VIDEO. In Morocco, volunteers come to the aid of disaster-stricken villages


Video duration:
4 mins


Article written by


France Televisions

Following the earthquake which hit Morocco, solidarity is organized to bring basic necessities to the various villages affected by the earthquake. Brut followed Kamel and his team of volunteers.

More than 500,000 euros is what Kamel and the other volunteers were able to raise thanks to their fundraiser, “La source jeunesse”. “From the poorest to the richest, everyone gives. It’s incredible, the solidarity” explains the organizer. Food, hygiene products and basic necessities are what volunteers deliver every day to the villages affected by the disaster. “When we have to stand up for the people, everyone is there, and to get to the end, help these poor people who need us. They’re our brothers in fact, so we have to help them” says Samir, volunteer.

“This is the Moroccan ethic, solidarity, sharing, hospitality, this is our strength”

We have an obligation to intervene. We are in “obligation”, in fact for us, there is no need to even think” Kamel adds. On social networks, he receives calls for help from Moroccan villages. With his team and on-site contacts, he cross-checks the information then organizes himself to transport the products as quickly as possible. From daybreak until late at night, they work hard to efficiently organize deliveries. Next step for them: helping to rehouse the victims. “Winter is coming quickly and there is urgency. So, we made all the quotes. We’re waiting for production (of mobile homes), that’s really the next step. And there, we are going to need you again, it will be the last and I hope it will be for the long term” confides Kamel.

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