VIDEO. In Lviv, with the war in Ukraine, the ultranationalist Right Sector group is recruiting more




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It is of them, among others, that Vladimir Putin speaks when he says he wants to “denazify Ukraine”: the ultranationalists of Pravyi Sektor (Right Sector), a paramilitary movement born in 2014, at the time of the events of Maidan. In Lviv, a pro-European city where men are enlisting en masse in the regular army, their militia is also filling up with volunteers. Excerpt from “Special Envoy” of March 10, 2022.

To the west of Ukraine, the city of Lviv is turned towards Europe. Since the first day of the war, resistance has been organized against Vladimir Putin’s army. The civilians immediately mobilized. Factories have stopped production to manufacture anti-tank defense systems. Men enlist to go into battle. Every day, they are hundreds in front of the recruitment centers: those of the regular army, but also of the independent militias.

After negotiating for several days, a team of “Special Envoy” was allowed to film a training session. On the arm of the instructor, a patch in the colors of Pravyi Sektor, in French Right Sector, this movement classified on the extreme right which had made a lot of talk about him during the Maidan revolution in 2014. This is in particular them whom the “demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine” promoted by Vladimir Putin.

In five days, 4,000 new recruits

The head of the recruitment center comes to explain it in front of the camera of “Special Envoy”. “What is Nazism? Nazism was the period from 1929 until 1945. It was the Germans, their ideology. We are not Nazis defends himself “Boroda” (“beard”), his fighter name. We are nationalists. And our enemy is Russia.”

Since the beginning of the conflict, Right Sector has attracted a much wider audience than that which forms its ideological base. Within five days, 4,000 new recruits joined the militia. Before the war, many of these men had no connection with the ultranationalists.

Excerpt from “Flee or resist?”, a report to see in “Special Envoy” on March 10, 2022.

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