VIDEO. In Kenya, a sanctuary welcomes orphaned baby elephants



France 2

Article written by

N. Bertrand, J. Barrère, S. Barral – France 2

France Televisions

A baby elephant sanctuary can be found in northern Kenya. These orphan animals are taken in and cared for by former Samburus shepherds, who once hunted elephants.

The song of the Samburus resonates at the first light of day. These shepherds from northern Kenya have turned into baby elephant keepers. “We feed them every three hours, four times during the night, and four times during the day., tells a shepherd, who works at the Reteti sanctuary, located in the north of the country. “We love them, I can’t even tell you how much”, he continues. A strong relationship was forged, when the Samburus once hunted and killed elephants. They have now chosen to help them and take care of the weakest.

This sanctuary, opened in 2016, welcomes orphaned elephant calves from all over the region. It is fully managed by the local community. Several times a day, the little ones are taken a few hundred meters from the camp, so that they can feed themselves and learn to live in nature. These elephants are also survivors. Each of them has a painful history. “Some had their mother killed, some fell into a well, others were abandoned by their mother, weakened by the drought”, Explain Thomas Lolpusike, guardian of the Reteti sanctuary.

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