VIDEO. In Kabul, she continues to teach despite the threat of the Taliban




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She shows exceptional courage. Threatened by the Taliban, this Afghan teacher continues to teach young girls who no longer have the right to go to school. Brut met her in his classroom.

Brut met a woman of uncommon courage. You will never see her face because she is threatened by the Taliban. This woman is a teacher, and she risks her life every day to continue giving lessons to those who have been excluded from public school, that is to say all girls aged 12 and over. When the Taliban came to power last summer, they shut down his school. We went to meet him, in a secret place. “In the morning I teach illiterate women and in the afternoon I teach girls who have been expelled from school, girls grade 7 and up“, she explains.”Even if the Taliban are against education, I’m not afraid because I’m learning, I’m developing my mind, I’m not afraid“, says a student.

Some time ago, the teacher was reported by someone in the neighborhood. They asked them what she was doing here and what she was teaching and she then pretended that it was a sewing workshop. “We put the Holy Quran in the classroom out of fear. If they come back, we’ll take the notebooks, the pencils, because they told us that we didn’t respect their taboos, and we’ll tell them that we’re teaching them the Koran.“Today, this teacher continues to affirm that dishonor and religion should never be a reason for prohibiting humans from educating themselves.”We want women to progress, women represent half of society and they should study to be educated. If girls don’t go to school, half of society will be disabled“, she concludes.

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