VIDEO. How the emblem of the United States almost disappeared



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This raptor is the emblem of the United States, and humans almost caused its disappearance. Here is the story of the bald eagle.

This is the story of the symbolic bird of the United States that almost disappeared because of human activities: the bald eagle. In 1782, when it was abundantly present across the country, the bald eagle was chosen as the official emblem. But the beginning of the 20th century marks the beginning of a massive decline. Forests where he lives are razed and he is hunted because he is considered a threat to livestock. In 1940, a first law prohibited to possess it, to sell it, and to kill it. But that is not enough to stop its decline.

After the Second World War, a new threat appeared: to fight against mosquitoes and other insects, certain pesticides were widely applied. In 1963, there were only 417 breeding pairs. The species is on the verge of extinction. Faced with cries of alerts from scientists, the authorities decide to react. In 1972, DDT and other pesticides were banned.

The eagle is added to the lists of endangered species and new conservation measures are taken. Areas where it lives are protected, its nests are followed more and eagles are reintroduced where they had disappeared. In 2007, there were 9,800 breeding pairs, 23 times more than in 1963. Since then, the species has continued to thrive with 316,700 raptors in 2019.

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