VIDEO. How the ABC residence wants to reinvent collective housing



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In Grenoble, these buildings may represent the future of collective housing: everything has been thought out to be closer to self-sufficiency in electricity and water. Brut visited Marianne and Kevin’s eco-roommate in the ABC residence.

When we have consumed 10 liters of water, the light will turn blue and then purple and red.” We are at the ABC residence, the 1st self-sufficient energy residence in France. It has solar panels on the roofs and also has a rather special water treatment via the recovery of rainwater. For example, the bathroom seems normal at first glance, but nevertheless, it hides some details. For example, the shower takes on color when you turn it on. It makes you aware of the water you consume, especially when the light becomes Red.

This building is experimental and has been the subject of special grants to support the experiment. For 5 years, there will be monitoring of all consumption. The objective is thus to set up, in a collective project, a habitat which draws as little as possible on reserves and natural resources. For the operation to be inhabited by people of all situations, the place has a building of 20 social rental units and 42 intermediate rental units which allow all types of situations to live within the project.

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