VIDEO. How does majority judgment work?



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What if we rated each of the presidential candidates rather than voting for just one? This is the idea of ​​majority judgment defended by the Mieux Voter association. This is how it works …

Chloé Ridel, Co-founder of the Mieux Voter association, defends the idea of ​​majority judgment. According to her, the current poll “frustrates voters a lot“.”It may result in electing someone who, in fact, is not supported by a majority of the electorate“, points out Chloe. She takes for example Emmanuel Macron, who, she explains, won the election because he was facing Marine Le Pen”and that there was a massive vote of rejection from Marine Le Pen in his favor. “For Chloe, the current voting method – the first past the post, two rounds – would be a poor measure of opinion. Indeed, choosing a single candidate from a panel of candidates does not allow us to know concretely whether it is a question of ” a membership vote, a useful vote, a default vote …

To avoid the pitfalls mentioned above, Chloe advocates majority judgment: “It is a method of voting where the voter votes by giving his opinion on all the candidates. He gives each candidate a mention on a scale which goes from “excellent” to “to reject”: excellent, very good, fair, insufficient, to to reject. “ All the candidates are therefore evaluated independently of each other and it is the candidate best evaluated by a majority who wins the election. According to Chloe, this voting method would allow people “to truly express themselves on the political offer, in membership as well as in rejection“.

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