VIDEO. Highlights of the National Assembly over the past five years


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Reform of the Labor Code by ordinance, bioethics bill, ban on conversion therapy… Here is a summary of the last 5 years in the hemicycle.

A few days before the legislative elections, Brut looks back on the highlights of the National Assembly over the past five years.

“I have the impression that you don’t care about us”, “I confess to being outraged by this hearing”, “I am attending a masquerade”… The National Assembly has always been a place of debate and controversy.

For Richard Ferrand, President of the Assembly, the hemicycle can sometimes take on the appearance of “let off steam”. “There is a lingering taste of verbal jousting and brawling”he confides.

“MPs work a lot. When they come to the hemicycle, they want to let off steam a little, so they carry their arguments vigorously, they know that it will make people react.

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