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For them, helping pets also means helping the precarious people who take care of them. Théo Noguer is the founder of SoliVet, an association of veterinarians caring for animals in solidarity. Brut met them.
“So here, we are mostly in very precarious audiences, so for the most part, people who are homeless, but also people who are on RSA in housing.” Théo Noguer is a veterinarian and founder of the SoliVet association. For him, it is important to help people in precarious situations, and in particular their pets, which often represent an obstacle to their integration.
“The animal can really be a real mediator of social work”
“Traditionally, in France, most accommodation centers for homeless people do not accept to receive visitors accompanied by dogs or accompanied by cats because they are afraid that the animal will create a nuisance. This automatically excludes a certain part of the population of homeless people who are very attached to their animal and who for nothing in the world would abandon it in exchange for accommodation.”, he explains.
“I remain convinced that this animal, we must stop seeing it only as something that will create nuisance, create obstacles to integration, but that it can really be a real mediator of social work. Because ultimately, when the person arrives with his animal here, in consultation, we manage to address a lot of questions, such as the person’s hygiene, his life course, his state of health, etc., talking about those of the animal. The animal of homeless people is an animal that has a support role which is incredible, it’s really… For once, it’s the only member of their family, often. That’s why we try to provide the best quality of care to these people, to these animals.”, adds Theo Noguer.