VIDEO. He crosses France on foot to collect and give gifts to hospitalized children



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Brut met YaniSport at the end of his journey. Meanwhile, in Lille …

A small car, a bag, a blanket, clothes … So many gifts that hospitalized children will be able to have thanks to the march of the champions of YaniSport. The sports coach left Marseille on November 13 and crossed France on foot, to Lille, covering nearly 1000 kilometers. “What are the rules? It is leaving without money, without hitchhiking, without the slightest comfort, just with the outpouring of generosity, thanks to the human, finally, I was able to move forward“, he says.

A bus followed the same route, collecting thousands of gifts for sick children, from associations or individuals. Yanis achieved this sporting feat with 100 walkers selected upstream who joined him throughout his journey, thus forming an immense chain of solidarity. “I surpassed myself, I created this sporting feat, but I really remember the human feat. I tell myself that I didn’t walk for nothing, all these people walked for the same cause, a common cause that brings us together“, Yanis rejoices.

The gifts will now be distributed throughout France. “With the generosity of the people, with the presence, with the welcome they gave me, I can only be in good shape“, smiles the sports coach.


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