VIDEO. Global warming: what solutions to protect forests?




Article written by

S.Piard, S.Pichavant, O.Darmostoupe, N.Berthelot, Drone Images: Wam Photo – France 2

France Televisions

Tuesday, May 17, the heat began to hit France. Temperatures that put a strain on the forests. Solutions are thus sought to be able to preserve these natural places by planting, for example, more resistant trees.

Global warming is proving increasingly dangerous for forests. The high temperatures damage the trees and the lovers of these places no longer count the number of dead branches strewn on the ground. There was “not enough water to supply the branches at the ends and they died”, remarks Alexis Hachette, the head of the territorial unit of Vierzon (Expensive). In France, 30% of forests are already weakened.

To understand this phenomenon weakening the trees, a lot of research is being carried out. The roots are thus analyzed. From arboretum have also been created in several countries to be able to test the resistance of trees planted there. there is one decade. From the north of England to the south of Portugal, several types of trees are put to the test with a temperature rise of 6°C, which makes it possible to see their resistance to heat. Other techniques involve planting seeds from different species to create mixtures of trees.

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