VIDEO. Gérard Larcher, President of the Senate, in favor of the seven-year term and proportional representation in Parliament

Gérard Larcher, President of the Senate, affirms Thursday May 12 on franceinfo that he is “favorable” to the reintroduction of the seven-year term for the presidential term, but a “non-renewable seven-year term”. The President of the Senate admits having “made a mistake” by supporting in 2000 the transition to a five-year term, implemented in 2002 by President Jacques Chirac, after a referendum in his favour.

On proportional representation in the National Assembly, Gérard Larcher says that he has “evolved” on the subject, and that the rate of 20% of deputies elected by proportional representation seems to him the most appropriate.

“When 60% of our compatriots are represented by less than thirty parliamentarians, it still raises a small question for me, including in my Gaullist DNA.”

Gerard Larcher

at franceinfo

The President of the Senate believes that Emmanuel Macron could already have implemented proportional representation during his previous five-year term, because it is an ordinary law and not a constitutional law.

The accumulation of mandates is a “wealth”

Gérard Larcher is, moreover, favorable to an evolution of the accumulation of the mandates of parliamentarians, by regulating it, but not to limit it in time. Nor is he opposed to the accumulation of the mandates of mayor and parliamentarian, because “it is wealth”

On the extension of the scope of the referendum of Article 11 to social issues, (this article of the Constitution allows the President of the Republic to submit to referendum any bill relating in particular to the organization of public powers), ” it is a debate that must be raised”, because it can allow “advancing democratic dialogue”pointing to the abstention rate in the last elections.

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