VIDEO. From slavery in Libya to France, he tells about his life of fighting


Video length: 7 min.

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At 15, he had already known slavery in Libya, the crossing of the Mediterranean, the street in France … Today, he is 20 years old, he is a boilermaker and he directs 2 associations for orphans and education of children. Sow tells his story.

He is Sow Saifoulaye. He is a permanent boilermaker. But before reaching that balance, Sow had to go through particularly difficult trials. Orphaned at not even a year old, he was adopted by his aunt and was unable to attend school. At 14, flees his country, at the initiative of his brother. “It was very, very hard not to lie. The day I arrived in Libya, it was there that my brother was killed and I took a bullet“, says Sow who was then the victim of slavery for a month.

Arrived in France, Sow settled in Créteil in the Paris region with other homeless people before being helped by an association. Today, Sow runs two associations for orphans and children’s education.

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