VIDEO. From musician to housekeeper, he tells



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He left the world of classical music for that of the household when the health crisis erupted. And he can’t imagine going back for a moment, because cleaning is his passion. Bruno relates.

Him, it’s Bruno. He went from opera to housework, especially because of the health crisis. But today, he does not regret his choice. “Before having an Instagram account dedicated to the household, I took care of international tours for a great conductor, Emmanuelle Haïm, so I sold concerts all over the world.“, says Bruno. He also confides to have worked in”the biggest and most prestigious places of classical music“Passionate about music, he then surveyed these emblematic places for 15 years.

In 2020, the health crisis then changed his plans. “By force of circumstances, Covid-19, no more music, and so what is he going to do, Bruno? Household“, he says. And today, he says he enjoys it and even shares his daily life and his tips on social networks.

To support himself, Bruno now works in a drugstore in Paris. “I browse the store and I offer people all the solutions that exist and I like it a lot, I think it’s great to leave Instagram a bit to be in contact with real people, real people who ask you questions“, he rejoices.

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