VIDEO. France “will become a country with a Mediterranean climate”, warns researcher François Gemenne, member of the IPCC



Video length: 11 mins.

France 2

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“It’s a structural trend, there will be no return to normal,” explained the scientist, invited on Monday by France 2’s “4 Vérités”.

Is the climate of France still temperate? “No. It will become a country with a Mediterranean climate and above all a country with an increasingly unstable climate with an increase in extreme phenomena, their frequency and their intensity”explains François Gemenne, researcher and member of the Giec, guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Monday, June 19.

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What will be the consequences of this development? “All of this will have a very high economic cost and will affect a lot of agricultural or economic activity”answers the scientist. “It’s a structural trend, there will be no return to normal (…). On the scale of our lives, it is irreversible and it will get worse so we will have to adapt”he adds.

“No one really plays the game”

More generally, François Gemenne regrets that States are not taking enough measures to deal with climate change. “Clearly, there are some big countries that are not playing the game, I am thinking in particular of Saudi Arabia or a few small oil states. (…) The problem today, it’s that no one is really playing the game that should be played.”

“Ideally, to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, global greenhouse gas emissions would need to fall by 6% per year. Today, they are still increasing by around 1% per year. year”says the researcher.

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