VIDEO. For Emmanuel Macron, the new government must “build a new action on the substance and on the form”



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The Head of State spoke at the opening of the first Council of Ministers of the new executive on Monday.

“The government you are forming is a government to act, to bring our country together, and a government that looks like it.” Emmanuel Macron spoke at the opening of the first Council of Ministers since the appointment of the new government, Monday, May 23. A solemn intervention filmed by the media, in an atmosphere weighed down by accusations of rape targeting Damien Abad, the new Minister of Solidarity.

“The action that will be ours will be both to consolidate what has been done during the five years that have just passed, because a second mandate is not a mandate to redo or undo”continued the Head of State.

This mandate “sets itself on a solid base, that of a balance sheet, of resolute action. But in the light of the new challenges, of what we see in our society, of this new mandate which has been entrusted to me to to be able to build a new action on the substance and on the form, that is to say to be able to embrace new challenges, to do it even more quickly, but also to do it with a method”added Emmanuel Macron.

Elisabeth Borne’s team comes on stage less than three weeks before the legislative elections of June 12 and 19. Its fate is therefore suspended at the end of the ballot which will define the new majority. Half of the members of the government – 14 out of 28 – are also directly in the running and will have to leave the government if they are beaten, under an instruction issued by Emmanuel Macron, as in 2017.

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