VIDEO. Fabien Roussel wants to finance the nationalization of companies, in particular EDF, with “money from the ECB”

“We say that this public money must allow us to regain control of our economy. We want to take control of our destiny”, launches Fabien Roussel candidate of the French Communist Party in the presidential election, Wednesday January 26 on franceinfo.

He proposes to finance the nationalization of several companies, planned in his program for a few “tens of billions of euros”, with money from the recovery plan, the one that “the European Central Bank has put on the table so that States can finance themselves from the markets”, or 290 billion euros for France between 2020 and 2021, according to Fabien Roussel.

>> Nationalizations, end of the vaccination pass, referendum on the EU… What to remember from the interview with Fabien Roussel on franceinfo

In detail, Fabien Roussel wishes “nationalize 100% EDF” and Engie “to have control of distribution (…) and therefore find a major operator of electricity and gas energy in France” : “I want to take electricity out of the market. It’s a common good and therefore we should be entitled to it, like water, at a low price.” For this, the candidate explains that he wants “investing in the production of nuclear electricity and in renewable energies” within a “large energy utility.”

On the health aspect, the PCF candidate wishes “the creation of a public drug cluster”, for example by nationalizing the pharmaceutical group Sanofi, which he considers “very poorly managed” because he “made the choice to delete a lot in research”.

As for the banks, it is Société Générale, BNP Paribas, but also the insurance company, AXA, which would come under the fold of the State if Fabien Roussel is elected: “These are companies at the head of large financial masses, which hold the reins of our economy, but managed by private shareholders.” Fabien Roussel also intends to nationalize the motorways, to to bring money into the coffers of the State” but also “lower toll prices”.

More broadly, to finance his program which he estimates at 300 billion euros, Fabien Roussel wants to create “six million jobs” to bring in “230 billion euros of wealth in the state coffers”, but also tax the “358,000 families indebted to the ISF” : “I remind you of this report by the Truth Commission (…) There are in this quantified report the 358,000 families who had a taxable heritage of 1,028 billion euros. Me, I take 100, they there will still be a lot (…) The money, I will go and get it where it is.

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