VIDEO. Exclusive interview with Hugh Jackman for “The Son”


Video length: 4 mins.


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In cinemas this Wednesday, “The Son” films the daily life of a father and his son suffering from depression. Hugh Jackman plays the main role of the father. For Brut, he explains why we need to talk about mental health among young people.

Hugh Jackman is back in theaters this Wednesday, March 1 for the release of The Son, directed by Florian Zeller. He plays the role of a father, facing his son suffering from depression. On this occasion, Brut interviewed the actor on his relationship with mental health, especially vis-à-vis his own children. “Yes, I tried to talk about it with them, a lot. My children, and their whole generation, are very willing to talk about it. For them, it’s not taboo, it’s not secret, it’s not shameful, it’s not awkward to have these conversations, not like in my day.

“Don’t be alone with your worries”

He keeps on : “That said, they came to see the film with me. The first time I saw him was with them. And the next night, we had a conversation at dinner that lasted almost 3 hours, where they told me things they had never told me. I hope a movie like this can spark those kinds of discussions and give people the opportunity to talk about things they might not have talked about otherwise.

Hugh Jackman is keen to advise those who may be dealing with this mental illness. “The most important piece of advice I would give to anyone, teenager or not, is to never be alone with your worries. It really is a disease that is linked to loneliness. Depression, in particular, often ends up isolating people. We feel neglected by society as a whole. There’s an element of guilt: ‘I should be past this, why am I feeling all this? I don’t understand.’ It is shrouded in guilt, shame and ignorance. I think just talking about it, even to one person around you, is a start. Don’t be left alone with your worries.”

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