Video length: 36 min
Interview Marine le Pen
Interview with Marine le Pen on France 2.
On the Caledonian issue, the president of the RN group in the Assembly said she was open to a new self-determination referendum “in 40 years”.
Marine Le Pen was on Caroline Roux’s grill for more than thirty minutes. In the program “L’Evénement” on France 2, Thursday May 16, the head of the National Rally gave her vision on current affairs and on the economic situation in France, around three weeks before the European elections.
Before defending her party’s program for the European election, the president of the RN group in the National Assembly reacted to the riots in New Caledonia. “We must fight violence and condemn those who commit violence“argues Marine Le Pen, who believes that there is “a risk of civil war“. But she says she believes in dialogue to resolve the conflict over the status of the archipelago:
“I am convinced that the parties are capable of sitting around the table. (…) They have done it in the past, they are capable of doing it again.”
Marine Le Pen, president of the RN group in the National Assemblyin “L’Événement” on France 2
Asked about relaunching the self-determination process, Marine Le Pen said she was in favor of organizing a new election. “Maybe we need one more (…), maybe in 40 years“, replied the parliamentarian. This electoral calendar should make it possible to give visibility to private companies. “Today, New Caledonia is no longer developing, because private companies do not want to invest saying to themselves: ‘There is a risk, a sword of Damocles'”she explains.
The three-time National Rally candidate in the presidential election was also questioned about developments in her position on the European Union. She no longer wants “Frexit”, and she believes that it is now possible to build a “Europe of Nations”as opposed to the current trajectory of the EU, which she considers too federal. “We are not going to leave the table when we win the game”she declared, using a slogan from the head of her party’s European list, Jordan Bardella.
The head of the RN was also questioned about the economy and the debt. “To go into debt is to become poorer”, she estimated. At the end of April, Marine Le Pen had already called, in a column published by The echoes, to the establishment of a national strategy on debt reduction. Thursday evening, she drew up a list of levers thanks to which she would save money: the fight against “fraud”the fight against“immigration”there “contribution we pay to the European Union” or even stopping the “multiplication of agencies [publiques] of which [elle] think that a large part of it is of no use”.