VIDEO. Éric Dupond-Moretti reacts to cases around Julien Bayou and Adrien Quatennens



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Justice Minister Éric Dupond-Moretti pushed a “rant” on the cases of domestic violence around Julien Bayou and Adrien Quatennens. “It’s time to signal the end of recess.

We are creating a private law justice system that makes absolutely no sense”, breathes Éric Dupond-Moretti. The Minister of Justice, during a press conference this Tuesday, September 27 to unveil the 2023 finance bill, was asked about the cases of domestic violence which agitate the left. Adrien Quatennens, coordinator at La France Insoumise, confessed to being violent towards his wife. Julien Bayou of EELV is accused of psychological violence by his ex-girlfriend. They have both, for the time being, withdrawn from political life and their functions.

I’m tired of this stuff”, blows the minister, annoyed by all the media reactions. “Justice is an institution that cannot be set aside. I am attached to the word of the victims, I am attached to the presumption of innocence, I am attached to a certain number of great principles that our civilized society has taken millennia to develop.

The liberation of women’s speech, yes. Even through social media. However, social networks cannot be the only unfiltered receptacle of this word and justice must intervene. (…) There is a justice, I want to embody it and I want to repeat that everything else has absolutely no sense. Not only does it make no sense, but it is extraordinarily dangerous for democracy.”, he concludes.

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