VIDEO. Environmental activists launched a day of action on April 26



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On April 26, dozens of actions were carried out against projects deemed “useless and polluting” in France. Brut met several activists to understand the repercussions of these different projects.

Destruction of forests, installation of warehouses over several hectares in green areas, creation of a giant tropical greenhouse in the North… Activists denounce a series of projects in France which they consider “useless and harmful” for the planet.

“It’s just untenable, people don’t dare to open the windows”, says an activist who is fighting against the establishment of a new farm-factory in Lescout in the Tarn. The first, already built a few meters away, emits smelly pollution.

“Agricultural land is very important, the food sovereignty of the country depends on it”explains another activist who fights against the destruction of land for the benefit of a motorway project in Avignon.

“Today, the climate emergency means that we can no longer accept that there are projects like this” adds another activist, who evokes a project decided more than 28 years ago near Amiens, “in a context that was quite different”.

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