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“What would have happened in 2013 if France had not chosen to intervene? You would certainly have a collapse of the Malian state,” he argued at a press conference on Thursday.
Emmanuel Macron “reject completely” the idea of a French failure in Mali, he said at a press conference on Thursday, February 17, when Paris decided to withdraw its troops from the country after nine years of anti-jihadist struggle.
“What would have happened in 2013 if France had not chosen to intervene? You would definitely have a collapse of the Malian state. That was what was being prepared. At best , a partition with a territorial caliphate, at worst, the takeover of the entirety of Mali by these groups and the local franchises of Al-Qaeda, in particular Ansar Dine“, argued the head of state.
Emmanuel Macron then insisted on “the many successes” obtained by the military, including the elimination of the emir of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (Aqmi) in June 2020.