VIDEO. Digital artist Emily Yang shares her advice on NFTs and cryptocurrencies



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“My greatest success was surely my first NFT auctioned at over half a million dollars”. Emily Yang, digital artist, shares her advice on NFTs and cryptocurrencies.

“I started getting interested in 3D animation when I was in college”. Emily Yang then spent 6 years in the visual effects sector and then in cryptocurrency.

“At the start of 2021, NFTs really took off. And my biggest success was probably my first auctioned NFT which sold for over half a million dollars” explains the digital artist.

“I was really amazed that so many people were willing to put so much money into digital assets”.

“I feel like the NFT industry is stagnating a bit. I don’t think the future of NFTs isn’t going to be art-centric. They will be used in so many aspects of our lives. For example, birth certificates or driving licenses should be NFTs” adds the young woman.

Regarding cryptocurrencies, his advice is simple: “never invest more than you are prepared to lose”.

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