VIDEO. Debate around the future of youth in working-class neighborhoods in France with the collective Front de Mères des Quartiers populaires


Video length: 5 min.


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Together, they discuss the future of young people in working-class neighborhoods, their fears after the death of young Nahel and the solutions that could be envisaged to facilitate communication between “inside and outside”.

Within the Front de Mères des Quartiers Populaires collective, these women and mothers meet to discuss the future of youth in working-class neighborhoods in France, after the death of the 17-year-old young man, Nahel, who died on June 27. , following the fatal shooting of a policeman. These women are moved by the tragedy that has occurred recently. “We, as mothers, we say to ourselves: mashed potatoes, tomorrow, it will happen to our children”, worries Anissa Baaziz. “You say to yourself: but in fact, this child, tomorrow, it could be mine. Because he has the same face as my child, he has the same clothes, he has the same little nonsense”, shares Fatima Ouassak.

“I feel that he does not make me overflow”

Magda Jouini explains “that we are required to be perfect, whereas on the other hand, in reality, we don’t have the means and that doesn’t exist. These are young people who have the right to make their mistakes. Just like us, now adults. That’s what forged us, that’s what built us. And there, we are afraid for the next generation. Since the recent events, Fatima Ouassak feels a “lead screed” especially in televised debates. “I feel that I must not overflow. I shouldn’t really say what I think”.

While during the riots that have occurred in France in recent days, Emmanuel Macron had called for “parental responsibility”, Fatima Ouassak indicates that she wants to ask for the collective responsibility of parents: “We ask for that, to organize ourselves to ensure that our children have a good life, are happy, happy.” For her, there is no “miracle solution”. Just “to occupy the neighborhood and ensure that there is less police, inter-neighborhood and sexual violence suffered by children within the homes themselves because it facilitates movement between the inside and the outside.”

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