VIDEO. Dany Boon answers questions from Internet users


Video length: 3 mins.


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On the occasion of his new film Life for real, in theaters since yesterday, Dany Boon answers questions from Internet users for Brut. Who would he like to play with? What other job would he have had? Discover his answers in video.

Before becoming an actor, Dany Boon, whose real name is Daniel Hamidou, was a draftsman and storyboarder in comics. And if he hadn’t been an actor, he would certainly have continued his profession. “To be known is not necessarily to succeed, one can very well succeed in this profession without being known. You can do shows and then be able to make a living from your job. When I made a living from my job, I wasn’t very well known, I did 50-seat venues and it worked, with little notoriety, I was very happy”.

A big screen actor

Today, Dany Boon is an accomplished actor and starring in cult films like Welcome to the Ch’tis. For this feature film, which propelled him in his career, the actor refuses to do a sequel. “I was offered to do sequels for fortunes but I think it’s very bad reasons to do sequels by saying ‘it’s going to be a mandatory success’. I have always said no and I prefer, like Gérard Oury (director), to make films, new stories each time”he explains.

Director life for reali in which he gives the reply to Charlotte Gainsbourg and Kad Merad, he would like to work with Jean Dujardin and why not other actors like Pierre Niney, Pio Marmai or the director Cédric Klapisch.

If he is back on stage throughout France, his audience expects a more local appearance: “I have done charity galas in the North, at the Zénith, among others, I like to go on stage for a good cause. Afterwards, coming back on stage in a one-man-show, I don’t know, I’m not saying no, but I’m not saying yes, I’m saying maybe. I want to do theater too. I love theatre. But when ? When the cinema will leave me alone, a little more”.

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