VIDEO. Conversation with Judith Godrèche and her daughter, Tess Barthélémy


Video length: 7 min

VIDEO. Conversation with Judith Godrèche and her daughter, Tess Barthélémy

In her autobiographical series “Icon of French Cinema”, Judith Godrèche looks back on her past, when at the age of 14, she was in a relationship with a director over 40 years old. Meeting with the director and her daughter, Tess Barthélémy, who plays her in the series. – (Raw.)

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France Televisions

In her autobiographical series “Icon of French Cinema”, Judith Godrèche looks back on her past, when at the age of 14, she was in a relationship with a director over 40 years old. Meeting with the director and her daughter, Tess Barthélémy, who plays her in the series.

It was very important to me to tell this story for generations to come” explains Judith Godrèche, about the relationship she had when she was 14 with the director Benoît Jacquot, then over 40 years old. In the autobiographical series “Icon of French Cinema”, which she directs, she looks back on her past. His daughter, Tess Barthélémy, plays him in the series. “The trigger was, one day, seeing Tess coming home from dancing in a leotard. And there was this sort of mirror effect. The fact that the body of a 15-year-old girl was that, there was this sort of very, very striking thing. And the idea that she could find herself in a situation that I experienced is impossible for me” declares Judith Godrèche.

“I really trust the generation that watches Brut and I hope that they will revolutionize the world”

Her “anguish” was that “(her) children become aware of what (she had) experienced”. “Because, deep down, I didn’t take responsibility for my childhood towards my children at all, at all, at all” confides the French actress and director. Regarding the #MeToo phenomenon, to all those who accuse the women who spoke of seeking attention or seeking a role, she responds that:”there is no actress in the world who thinks that if she speaks, she will get a role. You know why ? Because she won’t get the role. It doesn’t work like that.” Like her mother, her daughter Tess Barthélémy hopes that this phenomenon of free speech in France continues and that “it’s not just a vibe and a trend”.

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