VIDEO. Closing of The Pink House, the last abortion clinic in Mississippi


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For several years, this clinic was the only one still performing abortions in the state of Mississippi. After the cancellation of Roe v. Wade, the “Pink House” has no choice but to close its doors. A difficult decision for Ren, the last volunteer to have been recruited by the Pink House.

In this clinic, the conditions for access to abortion were already complicated due to activists blocking access to care. For the last days of opening of the “Maison Rose”, the confrontations were numerous. They love to seek the limit, to push it back. So they put themselves in the driveway, they block the passage of cars, They climb on stools with their signs, their megaphones and their hatred. They shout and they film, over the fence. They film the patients and yell at them. It’s not new. They’ve been doing this for years and it’s clearly illegal”

After the suspension of the landmark Roe v. Wade, the establishment of the Pink House finds itself forced to close. But for Ren, a volunteer with the center, this decision will not prevent women from continuing to have abortions. People are starting to say there will be no more abortions in Mississippi. But it’s wrong. It’s completely stupid. Women will try to abort on their own. There will be deaths.”

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