VIDEO. Charlie Puth opens up about his secrets for the release of his new album



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Between his Christmas music album and his love of teaching, Charlie Puth indulges in Brut. on his secrets on the occasion of the release of his album, “Charlie”.

I wanted to run a restaurant, but I don’t think I wanted to be a teacher. I like to teach, but I didn’t want to do that. I don’t think I’m a very good teacher. (…) I like to pass on my experience and show other ways of doing things.“Charlie Puth has released his latest album, charlie, on October 7th. The American singer and composer confides in his secrets, and the realization of this album, very personal for him.

Charlie Puth produced this album completely independently. “What’s more gratifying is that, as all these songs are therapeutic for me, once each song is finished, I always feel like a page is turned when I get to the end. Smells Like Me, when I finished this track, I stopped suffering from this situation. My tracks help me become a better person”, he explains.

For a long time my goal was to be the cool guy and that got me nowhere because I was hiding behind a facade. Now, when people listen to this album, they’ll know what I’ve been through and recognize the psychological pain, the quicksand of psychological pain that we all fall into sometimes. That’s what I had in mind the whole time I was preparing this album and I just added a melody and rhythm to it. I hope people will recognize themselves in it”, concludes the musician.

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