VIDEO. Brut went back to see Michel, a retiree who lives in precariousness


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A few months ago, Brut had met Michel, who was struggling to make ends meet with his pension of 850 euros per month. He has since received the solidarity of his neighbors and of the whole of France.

A few months ago, Brut followed Michel, a 71-year-old retiree living below the poverty line. Today, he is witnessing an outpouring of solidarity that he would never have imagined.

“I have to eat instead of having biscuits. I can afford to eat a piece of fish or a steak, something I haven’t done until now”explains the retiree.

Since the publication of the video, Michel regularly receives parcels and donations from all over France, mainly containing food. His neighbors also gave him their support.

“We couldn’t leave him like that, we had to help him. It was unthinkable. Me, I saw the video, I spent my evening crying”confides a neighbor of Michel.

In Toulon where Michel lives, the Little Brothers of the Poor support about fifty precarious elderly people. The association has since set up a kitty, in order to redistribute the financial donations received.

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