VIDEO. Brut reunited with Karima and her two disabled children



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A few months ago, Brut released a video of Karima and her two children with spinal muscular atrophy type 3, a degenerative disease that paralyzes the muscles. Living in accommodation unsuitable for the disability of her twins, the mother of the family hoped to find a more suitable house in order to facilitate her daily life and that of her children. Brut tracked her down to see if her situation had improved.

Since we shot the Brut video, I haven’t had any offers for an apartment, but really none. They showed up, it’s true. I had a lot of calls, a lot of support from the donors, from the presidents of the donors, but today I didn’t have a proposal. I’m not asking for luxury, I’m just asking for an ordinary house.

Despite the wave of support received after the broadcast of a video presenting the daily life of this mother, Karima has not yet received any offers for new accommodation. Today, she is desperately looking for a house adapted to the handicap of her sons. “It just has to be adapted to Rayane, that he can at least regain his freedom, his freedom to do what he wants, that is to say, wash himself, open the fridge… like all children. He has to know how to manage without me. It is important.“As she grows up, Rayane gains more and more weight and carrying her son becomes more and more complicated for Karima, in particular because of her unsuitable accommodation. “My lifestyle, it’s chaotic, in fact. Today, with the return to school, Rayane, he has grown up and he has gained weight because he does not do sports. Bah there, it becomes very complicated because it is very narrow, as you can see there.”

She now hopes to find a concrete solution in order to make her daily life and that of her children easier. Even if she still has not found suitable accommodation, the mother of the family still wanted to thank all the people who helped her. “I would like to thank the “Plus sans Ascenseur” collective. People have been generous beyond belief. We received donations from children, adults, mothers, families, grandfathers,… It was magnificent. It was extraordinary.

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